KNowledge is power
OneProtest knows how powerful petitions are when engaging the public and letting those we address know that people care about the matter at hand. We use them as part of our most comprehensive campaigns and focus initiatives.
Please sign and share our petitions. Your signature is of immeasurable value when it comes to making a difference.
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Stop The Missouri Bear Hunt.
Help Us Stop A Connecticut Bear hunt!
FWC: Change Your Bear Killing Policy
Stop The State-Sanctioned Slaughter of Sandhill Cranes!!!
Florida Seabirds Need Your Help!!!
Stop Killing Crows!
Captive Animals
Help Ely, An Abused and Neglected Elephant in Mexico
FWC: Ban Elephant Rides in Florida
Garden Bros Circus - Stop Exploiting Animals for Entertainment
Help Protect Florida Key Deer!
Protecting Wildlife
Stop Killing Wolves to Appease Cattle Ranchers!
Ban Tannerite - Protect Our Forests, Wildlife, and Property!
Closed Petitions - Need to archive these somehow. They are not important.
FWC: Rescind Permits Granted to SeaQuest - Partial Victory!
​Fight Against Urban Sprawl in Jacksonville - Victory!
Stand With Vietnam Stop Wildlife Trafficking!!!
Subaru Don't Destroy Florida Wetlands for New Dealership
Stop West Virginia From Killing Bears Over Bait!
Stop West Virginia From Creating a Black Market for Animal Parts with New Bill
Oklahoma Bears Caught in Crosshairs of Hunt Expansion
Throw the Book at Bear Killers in Florida
End Shark Fishing at Venice Pier! - Victory!
Demand Justice for Tortured Shark in Florida Boat Dragging Case! - Partial Victory!
Stop Killing Sharks for Trinkets!
Click here to view.​​
Stop Dumpster Diving Hunters from Baiting Bears
FWC: Deny Request for Florida Sandhill Crane Hunt
Stop The New Jersey Bear Hunt
FWC Crack Down on Land-Based Shark Fishing! - Victory!
UniverSoul Circus: Stop Using Animals as Props in Your Show! - Partial Victory!
One Male Idaho Grizzly Bear to Be Executed in Trophy Hunt - Victory!
FWC - Throw the Book at Maryland Man Who Attacked a Federally Protected Pelican - Victory!
Protect Grizzlies from a Wyoming Trophy Hunt - Victory!
Stop The FWC From Reopening Fishing of The Critically Endangered Goliath Grouper - Victory!
Stop The Killing of Mother Bears and Cubs in Alaska - Partial Victory!
Keep Protections for NW Montana Grizzlies - Victory!
Help Get Justice for Polar Bear - Victory!
Stop The 2016 Florida Black Bear Hunt - Victory!
Click here to view.
Stop The 2017 - 2018 Florida Black Bear Hunt - Victory!
Click here to view.
Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy, Stop the Black Bear Hunt - Victory!
Stop American Trophy Hunters from Legally Possessing & Importing Ivory to the U​.​S.
Stop The Virginia Bear Hunt - Partial Victory!